Monday, January 28, 2013

If I had $100

If I had $100 I would give all of my money to the homeless people. Because they need it more than I need it. Then I would have a lemonade stand and get more money and buy a stuffed animal that looks like my family and a stuffed animal that looks like my niced teacher Miss. Cook. But most of all I would buy Jesus' heart. Because that is the most greatist present ever. ~ Jocelyn, age 7

1 comment:

  1. Momintraining,

    Hi, nice to meet you! I'm so glad Cindy passed my name on to you. How neat to see your HOLT story of adoption here. We have rejoiced in that road with family as well!

    Thanks for stopping by my post "Of Brothels and Cameras."

    I'm thankful to learn about your organization "Courage Worldwide." It sounds like Breaking Free, a MN-based program that has beds and recovery programs for former sex workers. Oh, Tanzania too. Good! Africa is dear to my heart since I used to live there. Not for Sale, I've heard of, and have been thankful for too. Yes, you're right. It's going to take collaborative armies to battle this. I'm thankful for them all.

    Nice to meet you,
    Jennifer Dougan
